China / Asia / UK Marketing Agency
中国 / 亚洲 / 英国市场推广公司
Marketing / DIGITAL / SOCIAL / pr / CONTENT / strategy / research
市场推广 / 电子传媒 / 社交媒体 / 公关服务 / 内容营销 / 市场策略 / 市场调研
What We Do
Our UK / Chinese team focuses on 4 key areas. Market Research, Business Strategy & Planning, Digital Marketing & Lead Generation.
We deliver for any business or organisation looking to move into China / Asia as well as Chinese companies looking to break into the UK.
针对外企欲到中国 / 亚洲开拓市场, 或国内企业来英国开发。
Services / 服务项目
We offer a number of key business and marketing services
to support your journey into brand-new markets and opportunities.
Please scroll right to find out more...
提供优秀业务和推广服务, 在您打进新市场, 把握新商机时,作全方位的支持。
Research / 市场调研
Before any investment into a new territory, you need a wide range of information. How big it truly is, market trends, how to reach your prospects, their wants and needs plus the competition and trade structure to get started. Contact us now for a detailed review.
在决定开发新领域, 作任何投资前, 您需要市场调查: 市场大小, 发展潜力, 客源, 客户需求, 营商环境, 竞争对手, 等等。 我们可以为您详细分析。
Strategy / 市场策略
We help to embrace best practices in a way that complements your proposition. We discuss and understand your business’ background, aims and budgets. Based on our research findings, we propose appropriate options and recommend the one that creates the most value for you and achieves the desired ROI.
我们会理解, 讨论您业务的背景, 目标和预算。 跟据我们的调研, 提供有效方案, 并提议最佳计划, 让您的投资获得最理想的回报率。
Marketing / 市场推广
Start your commercial journey using the latest strategies to test the water, before committing in scale. We offer a digital marketing entry package called FIRECRACKER. Post research, Firecracker delivers a micro campaign to see how your product or service performs in real world conditions. This process gathers invaluable feedback and customer responses to let you evaluate your next steps forward.
在您决定全力投资之前, 何不小试牛刀? 数字媒体可达到此目的。 ‘鞭炮组合’ 是打进中国之前的一块试金石。 通过‘鞭炮组合’, 您的产品或服务, 可以小规模尝试, 取得顾客反应, 从而改善至满意程度。 让您对中国市场更具信心, 收获更大。
Design / 媒体设计
From eye grabbing images, video and modern brand designs to social media, app and web design our top-drawer coding and design teams in both the UK and China are the backbone of our content production services. Our pool of supremely talented graphic designers, illustrators, writers, photographers and video producers are all carefully matched to each clients specific project needs. Contact us directly to see our creative portfolio of work.
从吸引形象, 品牌设计,短片制作, 到建立网站 / APP 等, 我们团队可提供·全面·服务, 包括市场推广, 技术发展和广告拍摄。 我们有专业设计师, 插图师, 摄影师及广告导演等。 您的个别需求, 我们乐意满足。今天就联系我们,查询案例。
Lead Generation / 客户开发
In both China and the UK, we have solid relationships with business agencies, media agencies, distributors and retailers. We offer an international partnering service to identify the right partners and collaborators for you. Our network includes industry connections in China for Government, Education, Tourism, Retail, Media, Manufacturing, FMCG and Hospitality.
在中英两国, 我们拥有实力关系, 如官方,教育,旅游,零售, 媒体, 供应商, 零售商等。 我们能为您的业务, 提议和提供中方的理想合作伙伴, 让您更有信心, 在中国的业务和运作更流畅。
Bilingual Communication / 双语沟通
We provide account managers with fluent spoken and written Mandarin, along with other local dialects. We will provide translations for all your business needs, including communications and interpretation, plus any preparation of presentations and general correspondence you may need. This is especially important when navigating legal and business documentation.
我们团队擅长双语沟通, 能为您翻译, 准备双语文件, 合同和商务书函。让您的商讨更事半功倍。
Designed for clients who are brand new to the Chinese market.
Start your commercial journey using the latest strategies to test the water, before committing in scale.
We offer a digital marketing entry package called FIRECRACKER.
Firecracker delivers a micro digital only campaign to see how your product or service performs in real world conditions.
This process gathers invaluable feedback and customer responses to let you evaluate your next steps forward.
在您决定全力投资之前, 何不小试牛刀? 数字媒体可达到此目的。 ‘鞭炮组合’ 是打进中国之前的一块试金石。 通过‘鞭炮组合’, 您的产品或服务, 可以小规模尝试, 取得顾客反应, 从而改善至满意程度。 让您对中国市场更具信心, 收获更大。
Team 专业团队
The right mix of know how, contacts and experience make up the senior East West team.
Kelvin Chan
East West Partner
Based in Chengdu & Shenzhen. Sixteen years marketing/business experience in mainland China. Background with Nestlé & Diageo/Greater China Region. English, Mandarin & Cantonese speaker.
Adam Foster
East West Partner
Founded East West. Western digital know how for over 16 years. Self employed for over 28 years. Extensive Corporate to SME experience. Background in event promotion and music marketing.
Mike Donoghue
Head Of Marketing
Extensive agency & marketing experience. Leading positions at Saatchi & Saatchi, Leith Agency, Rapp & Story as Head of Partnerships on Scottish Government, Greener & Healthier Scotland campaigns.
locations / 覆盖地区
We are an experienced mix of UK and Chinese digital, business and marketing experts who have a deep understanding of this complex yet exciting landscape. We work from offices in the UK and China.
我们是来自中国 / 英国的专业伙伴, 精于数字媒体, 商务发展和翻译沟通, 对复杂的数字媒体拥有独到理解。在英国和中国有办事处 。
East West
East West are based in Edinburgh, Scotland and Chengdu & Shenzhen China. Photos of the team and admin locations are shown here
Kelvin Chan
China Office / Chengdu
Research, Strategy, China Representation, Tech, Design & Bilingual Communication
Adam Foster
UK Office / Edinburgh
Market Research, Strategy & Planning, Digital Marketing, UK Account Management
East West Blog
Featuring East West Latest News, Info Guides, Case Studies & Testimonials
Contact Us
Please use the form to submit an email or please call us directly on the numbers below.
请填上表格 或致电我们。
UK / Edinburgh 英国 / 爱丁堡
+ 44 (0) 0844 357 9464
China / Chengdu 中国 / 成都
+ 86 136 409 14320
Great Michael House, 14 Links Place, Edinburgh EH6 7EZ &
7th Floor, Shi Mao Tower, No 4 North Jianshe Road, ChengduMonday to Friday 9am to 5pmUK (+44) 0844 357 9464